The ‘’ has been launched in March 2010. Yes, that is the blog for which am the scriptwriter. Motto of my life was ‘exploration and experimentation’. What is that exploration and experimentation meant for me? One has to explore into new things of the life, right from thinking to action. More you explore in life, the person become well-informed person. Such person’s thinking becomes rational. It is not enough to have knowledge, but also one has to use it for practically. Right usage at right time.The person has to put himself in different situations to experiment. By doing so person can judge ones own ability i.e. how he reacts to different situation. This is a huge learning curve. Person move towards being ‘HUMAN’ when both exploration and experimentation becomes part of his life. For such person life becomes a celebration everyday. So this has become caption for my blog.
Initially, I wanted to write at least one article per week. Theme was to write entertainingly educative articles. But I have written only five articles till date. There was a comment I found on my last article which was in December 2010. Why have you not written anything after this? Even I thought so, why? Let me follow the Indian tradition – whenever we mess up things we always blame someone else. We being late for the appointment we blame traffic. Am a true Indian.
Actually, I want to keep the blog clean out of any “ragadwesha’. Last year went through difficult phase of my life. When was it easy? I did not want to write in that state of mind. Lord Krishna is an epitome of love. He is an ultimate management guru in the world. I want to follow his footsteps and want to spread love. So did not write for few months and allowed the thoughts to settle down.
Once you are out of the cycle, then it is very difficult to get back into it. Also was in confusion what to write. In office, they have launched a product - Eikon and it has failed. They could not segment it for the right customers. It has everything for the financial market investors and researchers. Sometimes too much of data is not required for decision making and it confuses. I wanted to restrict the blog for certain issues only. This is exactly opposite of Eikon product. Eikon addressed to wide range while my blog is confined. This has created confusion in mind i.e. what to write. Now am willing to rectify it by addressing it to various aspects of life. Good writer should always address many issues to keep the audience interests.
There was also some kind of doubt in my mind that my English language is not that good grammatically. But usage of English words is better than average. I have been brought up in predominantly Kannada speaking family and studied in Kannada Medium till High-School. But unless you write, how can you improve?
An artist needs encouragement to perform unless like Sun. Did not get much encouragement or rather expected too much. Lost interest. Micro blogging on Facebook has got more comments and attention for me. This is kind of IPL cricket tourney, which gets you name in short span of time. I forgot that blogging on website is more of a one-day international cricket match. Need to be patient and persistent to reach audience. Now am matured enough to understand that. If the passion is there, you do not need encouragement. But I want to play test cricket i.e. writing a novel.
To close friends always keep telling that I want to write at least one novel in my life span. I have repeated many times in my conversation with them. One day, I was chatting with my faculty and got a feeling. I keep blabbering and do not act. Grammatically correct or not, even if no one reads, let me write. You never know these small-small articles may give me confidence and experience to writer a novel.